put something into(to) bed 是什麼意思呢?(@Gary英語教室)

Put something into(to) bed 是一個很口語的句子,在看影片時常會聽到劇中人物用到這個片語,但它是什麼意思呢?

雖然它字面上的意思是「將東西放到床上」, 但其實真正的意思是「成功處理...」、「解決....」的意思!

知道單字或片語的意思後,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!

(1) Let's put this issue to bed once and for all. (咱們來永久性地解決這個問題吧!)
      *once and for all = 永久地;最後一次

(2) The controversy was put to bed.
      (=The controversy ended. ) (這個爭議解決了)

這樣知道怎麼使用 put ...to bed 了嗎?換你在下面留言練習造句了喔!


In Gary's English, we believe in English communication, not perfection. 
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【Gary英語教室】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/
【課程詳細資訊】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#book
【註冊成為會員】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#client/sign-in
【預約課程Q&A】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#page/q-and-a


child's play 是什麼意思?(@Gary英語教室)

child's play 是我之前看電影看到的慣用語,大家覺得它是什麼意思呢?

下面幾個句子都用到 child's play 來造句, 一起來看看例句吧!

(1) Getting my diploma was child's play.

(2) My new job was hard work, but it was child's play compared to the first one.

(3) Installing that new computer software was child's play for Mark. He's got a PhD in computer science.

請問上述3個例句中的 child's play 是什意思呢?

(A) very easy

(B) challenging

(C) enjoyable.



Child's play 是「簡單」的意思,所以答案是 A.

It is easy 也可以說 It's a snap 或 It's a piece of cake.或 It's a cinch.


In Gary's English, we believe in English communication, not perfection. 
喜歡今天的文章嗎? 快將這篇文章分享給好友吧!

此外,也歡迎大家加入「Gary 愛分享&Gary英語教室」臉書粉絲團 (http://www.facebook.com/garyloveshare),或將這篇文章與好友們分享。

想讓英文更上一層樓嗎?除了「一對一專屬家教課程外」外, 也可參加Gary精心規劃的「小班制線上英文課程」喔!

【Gary英語教室】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/
【課程詳細資訊】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#book
【註冊成為會員】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#client/sign-in
【預約課程Q&A】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#page/q-and-a


throw someone under the bus 是什麼意思呢?(@Gary英語教室)

throw someone under the bus 是一個很口語的句子,在看影片時常會聽到劇中人物用到這個片語,但它是什麼意思呢?

它字面上的意思是「把某人丟到車子下面」, 延伸為「出賣某人; 為一已私利犧牲他人」的意思,跟 sell someone out stab someone in the back 這兩個慣用語有相似的意思 !

知道單字或片語的意思後,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!

(1) I can’t believe John threw me under the bus like that. He told his mother that it was my idea to take her new car out for a spin. (我真不敢相信 John 居然那樣出賣我。他跟他媽說偷開她的新車出去外面繞繞是我的主意。)

(2) Lisa threw me under the bus by telling the manager it was my fault to cause the customer complaint. (Lisa 故意陷害我, 跟經理說是因為我的錯誤才導致這則客訴。)

這樣知道怎麼使用 throw someone under the bus了嗎?



In Gary's English, we believe in English communication, not perfection. 
喜歡今天的文章嗎? 快將這篇文章分享給好友吧!

此外,也歡迎大家加入「Gary 愛分享&Gary英語教室」臉書粉絲團 (http://www.facebook.com/garyloveshare),或將這篇文章與好友們分享。

想讓英文更上一層樓嗎?除了「一對一專屬家教課程外」外, 也可參加Gary精心規劃的「小班制線上英文課程」喔!

【Gary英語教室】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/
【課程詳細資訊】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#book
【註冊成為會員】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#client/sign-in
【預約課程Q&A】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#page/q-and-a


a drop in the bucket 是什麼意思呢? (@Gary英語教室)

a drop in the bucket 是一個很口語的慣用語,在看影片時常會聽到這個慣用語,但是什麼意思呢?

a drop 是「一滴水」的意思, 而 bucket 是「桶子」的意思,所以字面上的意思是「桶子裡的一滴水」, 但這個慣用語真正的意思為何呢?

讓 Gary 在此賣個關子! 我先提供「兩個例句」給大家看看,然後再請你們猜猜 a drop in the bucket 這個慣用語的意思吧!

(1) One million dollars is just a drop in the bucket to a rich man like you.
(2) We need to raise one million dollars for charity. But now we only got 20,000. That's just a drop in the bucket compared to the amount we need. 

看完兩個例句後,你覺得 a drop in the bucket 是什麼意思呢?

(A) 微不足道
(B) 眾志成城
(C) 積少成多
(D) 有志者事竟成



答案是 (A) 




In Gary's English, we believe in English communication, not perfection. 
喜歡今天的文章嗎? 快將這篇文章分享給好友吧!

此外,也歡迎大家加入「Gary 愛分享&Gary英語教室」臉書粉絲團 (http://www.facebook.com/garyloveshare),或將這篇文章與好友們分享。

想讓英文更上一層樓嗎?除了「一對一專屬家教課程外」外, 也可參加Gary精心規劃的「小班制線上英文課程」喔!

【Gary英語教室】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/
【課程詳細資訊】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#book
【註冊成為會員】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#client/sign-in
【預約課程Q&A】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#page/q-and-a


in one's corner 是什麼意思呢?(@Gary英語教室)

in one's corner 是一個很口語的片語,在看影片時常會常聽到這個實用的慣用語,字面上的意思是「在某人的角落」, 延伸為「支持、加油打氣」的意思 !


其實這個慣用語來自「拳擊比賽」,因為在拳擊場上,每個拳擊選手都會有屬於自己的一個角落,其教練或助手會在比賽每一輪休息的時間,把握時間給予選手建議、遞茶水、按摩、處理傷口、支持、鼓勵及打氣,所以 in one's corner 就是跟選手「在同一個角落」、「站在同一邊」、「為某人支持、加油、打氣」的意思!

知道這個慣用語的意思後,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!

(1) I'm so nervous about tomorrow's mid-term exam. But I am glad that I have you in my corner. (我對明天的期中考感到好緊張,但我很開心有你為我加油打氣)

(2) No matter what happens, please remember I am always in your corner. You are not alone. (無論發生什麼事,請記得我永遠支持你,你並不孤單!)

這樣知道怎麼使用 in one's corner 了嗎?換你在下面練習造句了喔!


In Gary's English, we believe in English communication, not perfection. 
喜歡今天的文章嗎? 快將這篇文章分享給好友吧!

此外,也歡迎大家加入「Gary 愛分享&Gary英語教室」臉書粉絲團 (http://www.facebook.com/garyloveshare),或將這篇文章與好友們分享。

想讓英文更上一層樓嗎?除了「一對一專屬家教課程外」外, 也可參加Gary精心規劃的「小班制線上英文課程」喔!

【Gary英語教室】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/
【課程詳細資訊】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#book
【註冊成為會員】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#client/sign-in
【預約課程Q&A】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#page/q-and-a


聽到外國朋友的親人過世該如何用英文回應? (@Gary英語教室)



其實這是溝通英文, 既不是考試英文, 也不是單字片語的問題,而在台灣的英語教育也較少琢磨這一塊! 


一起來試試看吧! 如你是我這位學生,對話內容如下,你會如何回應呢? 

A: How's your father? 
B: He passed away last week. 

Gary 老師建議的句子在下面哦!
Gary 老師建議的句子在下面哦!
Gary 老師建議的句子在下面哦!


(1) I’m so sorry to hear about that. Please accept my condolences.
(2) I am so saddened to hear this shocking news. My heart goes out to you at this time of grief. 
(3) I know words can't take away the hurt you're feeling, but  I want you to know how much I care. Remember that I'm just a phone call away if you need to talk. 
(4) I’m stunned by this news. I’m so very sorry for your loss. 
(5)  My heart aches to hear this news. I’m praying for everyone. 
(6)  I love you and I’m here for you. 
(7)  As you go through this difficult time, please know that your friends love you and are here for you. 
(8) I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you. 
(9) My deepest sympathies to you and your family. 
(10) My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. 
(11)  I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish you peace and comfort as you grieve. 
(12) Words can’t describe how sorry I am at this loss. You’re in my prayers. 
(13) You and your family are in my thoughts as you grieve this loss. 
(14)  I wish I could be there to comfort you as you grieve. I’m holding you in my heart. 
(15) This is such a huge loss. She/He will be missed by so many. My heart goes out to you and to everyone who loved her/him. 




(1) Thank you for your sympathy and kindness. 
(2) Thank you for your support and comfort you provided at this difficult time. 
(3) Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. 
(4) We are grateful for having friends like you with us at this time of sorrow in our lives. 
(5) We deeply appreciate your expression of sympathy. 


In Gary's English, we believe in English communication, not perfection. 
喜歡今天的文章嗎? 快將這篇文章分享給好友吧!

此外,也歡迎大家加入「Gary 愛分享&Gary英語教室」臉書粉絲團 (http://www.facebook.com/garyloveshare),或將這篇文章與好友們分享。

想讓英文更上一層樓嗎?除了「一對一專屬家教課程外」外, 也可參加Gary精心規劃的「小班制線上英文課程」喔!

【Gary英語教室】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/
【課程詳細資訊】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#book
【註冊成為會員】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#client/sign-in
【預約課程Q&A】: https://garyenglish.simplybook.asia/v2/#page/q-and-a
