這真的是很令國人難過及生氣的新聞,因為這是中華民國創國以來邦交國數量最少的一次,目前只有19 個邦交國,中南美洲的邦交國似乎有的也在蠢蠢欲動,難免令人憂心!
政治及外交就交給我們專業的官員們來傷腦筋吧! 今天與 Gary 一起來學習「斷交」及「金錢外交」的英文怎麼說吧?
1. cut diplomatic ties (relations)= 斷交
(1) diplomatic = 外交的 (adj).
(2) tie = relation (n.) 關係; 聯繫
(3) diplomatic ties = diplomatic relations = 外交關係
(4) cut = sever (v.) = 切斷
例: The Dominican Republic on Tuesday cut long-standing diplomatic ties with Taiwan on May 1.
2. establish diplomatic ties = 建交
例: China and the Dominican Republic have signed an agreement to establish diplomatic ties.
3. dollar diplomacy = 金錢外交
例: The government believes that the Dominican Republic severed its diplomatic ties with Taiwan and switched to China due to China's dollar diplomacy.
知道「斷交」、 「建交」及「金錢外交」的英文怎麼說,接下來我們來看一下「斷交」後我們的政府通常如何因應。
因應 #1: 外交部召開(國際) 記者會,表達深切遺憾及強烈譴責
(1) 外交部 = The Ministry of Foreign Affairs = the MOFA
(2) 開(國際) 記者會 = have (hold) a (international) press (news) conference
(3) 表達深切遺憾 = deeply regret (v.)
(4) 強烈譴責 = strongly condemn (v.)
【延伸單字】: a diplomatic ally (n.) = 邦交國
Every time when a diplomatic ally severs ties with Taiwan and switches to China, the government holds a press conference, deeply regrets what happened and strongly condemns China's dollar diplomacy.
因應 #2: 停止雙邊合作以及援助計畫
(1) 停止; 終止= terminate (v.) = end (v.)
(2) 雙邊 = bilateral (adj.) ; 雙邊關係 = bilateral relations
(3) 雙邊合作計畫 = bilateral cooperative programs
(4) 援助計畫 (專案) = aid projects
After the government cut diplomatic ties with the Dominican Republic, Taiwan also terminated the bilateral cooperative programs and aids projects, too.
相信這段翻譯對你而言,現在一定是一塊蛋糕 (a piece of cake) 吧! 給自己拍拍手吧!
再來看一下 ICRT 於5/1 針對這則新聞的新聞稿,看是否有更加了解內容了呢?
Dominican Republic Severs Ties with Taiwan
Taiwan has lost another diplomatic ally.
Taiwan officially severed ties with the Dominican Republic after it switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing yesterday.
Foreign Minister Joseph Wu made the announcement earlier this morning, saying "to safeguard our nation's sovereignty and dignity, we've decided to terminate diplomatic ties with the Dominican Republic immediately."
Wu has also expressed Taiwan's "deep anger and regret" toward the former ally's decision, which was made due to Beijing's lure.
Taiwan will also halt all bilateral cooperative projects, cut all assistance to the Dominican Republic, and pull out its diplomatic staff and technical missions from the country.
The Dominican Republic and the Republic of China, Taiwan's official name, have had ties for 77 years.
再來一起來看看這則新聞影片,看你是否更加了解新聞內容了呢? (記得第一次看先不要看字幕哦!)
(1) 【看時事學英文】: 「停電」及「限電」的英文怎麼說?
(2) 【看時事學英文】: 布裘戀因「無法化解的歧異」離婚
(3) 【看時事學英文】: 聯邦政府大約 80萬「非必要公務人員」(雇員) 在家過無薪假(20131005)
(4) 【看時事學英文】: 立法院院長王金平涉及「關說」(20130910)
(5) 【看時事學英文】: 香港佔領中環
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