

個人覺得這篇演講稿內容寫得四平八穩,但某些字的發音如能再多加注意 (如demonstrate, hospitality, gratitude, gourmet),許多字的子音部分念的時候能發弱一些將更好 ( 如 athletes, first-hand, records)!


黃國務總理(Hwang Kyo-ahn)、光州市尹市長(Yoon Jang-hyun)、國際大學運動總會(FISU)的Gallien會長、全體選手、來自各國的貴賓,以及全球各地的觀眾,大家晚安。

首先,我要向光州市致上最誠摯的祝賀,這一次 2015光州世大運十分地成功,非常感謝光州世界大學運動會籌辦單位,你們是最棒的主辦國。也要謝謝你們的盛情接待, 讓我們體驗了韓國的熱情和友誼。


台北市不但是一個熱愛運動的城市,也是美食之都、資訊科技之都、創意文化之都。 未來兩年,我們會全力準備 2017台北世大運,到時請各位到台北當世大運貴賓,也體驗豐富多元的台灣文化。



Prime Minsier Hwang, Mayor Yoon, Mr. Gallien, athletes, honorable guests, and audience in all corners of the world. Good evening.

First of all, I would like to express my most sincere congratulations to Mayor Yoon for making this year’s Summer Universiade such a great success.You’ve demonstrated what excellence is all about.I would also like to extend my gratitude to the organizing committee of the event for your warm welcome, hospitality and friendship.

I’m Wen-je Ko, Mayor of Taipei City. I’m here to receive the Universiade flag on behalf of Taipei.At this Universiade, I saw first-hand all the athletes giving their best and fighting to the last minute of each game. This relentless pursuit of excellence, and most of all, good sportsmanship – whether win or lose, impressed and moved everyone.A big thank-you to you, all the athletes. In our eyes, you are all winners.Taipei City is honored to host the next Summer Universiade.We will build on the success of Gwangju Universiade as we welcome athletes from all over the world to make new records in Taipei in 2017.Like Gwangju,

Taipei is a city that loves sports. It is also a city of gourmet, technology, culture and creativity.In the following two years, Taipei is going to host the 2016 World Design Capital and the 2017 Summer Universiade.Yes, we are ready.Please take these opportunities to be our guests, please come to Taipei and experience the rich and cultures we have.

Welcome to the 2017 Summer Universiade in Taipei!Thank you!



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