Happy Mother's Day!

今(5/13) 天就是母親節了,大家有計劃如何慰勞在世界上從事最辛苦職業的偉大母親呢?

Today (5/13) is the second Sunday of May and it is Mother's Day here in Taiwan. Do you have any ideas to express your gratitude to the most hardworking worker in the world?


I'd like to share this wonderful video with all of you out there, and wish those who are mothers, and your mother and grandmother a Happy Mother's Day!

最後,我想要分享二首超級符合母親節的歌曲。第一首歌原唱者是 Boyz 2 Men,下面這個 Anthem Lights 所演唱的版本,我個人也很喜歡這個版本!

在此僅此這2首歌祝我最愛的祖母 「母親節快樂」!

Finally, I'd like to share two perfect song for Mother's Day. The first song is originally done by Boyz 2 Men and this is a cover version by Anthem Lights. Awesome, too. The second song is "I Turn To You" by Christina Aguilera.

I'd like to dedicate the two songs to all mothers out there, especially my grandmother. Happy Mother's Day!

I Turn to you by Christina Aguilera


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