週末聽 Jai Waetford 的好歌學英文

Jai Waetford 是去(2013)年澳洲 X Factor 最火紅的參賽選手,尤其是他在甄選會的這段演出最為人津津樂道!他表演了兩首歌曲,第一首歌唱完後他應主持人要求演唱自創曲 Don't let me go, 更是驚艷全場!


(A) 因為他最近經歷分手,這首歌寫出他的心情
(B) 因為他眼睛今天不舒服
(C) 因為他覺得歌聲太難聽了,聽完想哭
(D) 因為這首歌歌詞寫得太煽情感人

==Lyrics (歌詞) ==


Baby please stay near
Don't know how I'd live without you here
It feels like I'm drowning I've got no air

Life is nothing without you here
So please don't leave me now
Don't leave me now

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

You built me up then
You break me down
You could break my heart
Without a sound

You've got the softest touch
And no disease
And no money or car could change
What you mean to me

Cause I'm falling in love with you
And I just can't help myself
Cause I'm falling in love with you

And I just can't help myselfffff

So please don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

Don't let me go



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