教育的真正意義 (Real meaning of Education)

What is education? What is the real meaning of "teacher" or "educator"?

「教育」是什麼? 「老師」及「教育家」真正的意義為何?

Aside from instilling theories and technical skills into students, a teacher can do more than that and make a difference. A great teacher should help his/her students understand more about themselves and develop their potential. This is what education is all about and what an educator should be.


Recently I watched a documentary and it's about how a teacher inspires his students in school. What the teacher does is similar to that in the movie, the freedom writers diary. But this real story happens in a primary school. Besides that, the teacher teaches his students "teamwork", "love", "respect" , , "care", and "how to face "death" .  After watching this inspiring life lesson, I guess it is about time for me to rethink the purpose of education.


September 28 is Teacher's Day in Taiwan. I'd like to say "Happy Teacher's Day" to all of of my teachers and friends who are teachers out there. Most of all, I'd like to dedicate this story to whoever cares about education. Enjoy it!

9月28日是台灣的教師師。在此我想祝福教過我的老師們及當老師的好朋友們教師節快樂」! 也將這一部有意義的紀錄片與關心教育的朋友們分享!

1. Children Full of Life (1/5)

2. Children Full of Life (2/5)

3. Children Full of Life (3/5)

4. Children Full of Life (4/5)

5. Children Full of Life (5/5)



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