My Grown Up Christmas List

Christmas is just around the corner. I haven't been in the holiday spirit until last night while I was preparing for a Christmas carol and its lyrics for my class. The song I chose to fit the Christmas theme is called "my grown up Christmas list." The reason why this song drew my attention is the artist and the way she performs it. Kelly Clarkson is the first American Idol, and she won the Grammy Awards for Best Female Artist in 2006. Her talent for singing has been shining in the music industry these years and recognized by music lovers. On top of that, the lyrics for the song have several layers or meanings. As I'm getting older and older, the song really speaks to me and does something for me. You can check out her live performance first and then read between the lines when you go to the lyrics section.

My Grown Up Christmas List By Kelly Clarkson
Verse One
Do you remember me
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies

Well, I'm all grown up now
And still need help somehow
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream

So here's my lifelong wish
My grown up Christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
That is my grown up Christmas list

Verse Two
As children we believed
The grandest sight to see
Was something lovely wrapped beneath our tree
But heaven only knows
That packages and bow can never heal a hurting human soul

Repeat Chorus

What is the illusion called the innocence of youth
Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth

Repeat Chorus

This is my only vital wish
This is my grown up Christmas list

Besides the great performance and interpretation by Kelly Clarkson, what touches me the most? I'd say the "chorus" part and "what is this illusion called the innocence of youth. Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth." When we were young, we were innocent and believed "we have to be a great person and do the right thing." But after we grew up, it seems that things can not be divided just that simple, either black or white. In reality, most of the time things might fall in the grey area. Just as the lyrics point out, it seems that the ideal world and truth can only exist in our Blind Belief. How ironic and pathetic it is!

When we turn on the TV, wars, violence, political dramas and crimes are all over the news. Even some government officials in charge of the education affairs couldn't be a role model for the general public. Instead, they used some vulgar and uncivilized language to attack their political opponents. They were supposed to practice before preach. Maybe they did that just on a whim. However, they did set a very bad example and that definitely took tolls on the society.

As we were children, we were taught to tell the truth and reach out our hands to people in need. But in reality, when it comes to money and business, people don't have to always tell the truth. When a person is hit by a car on the street, no one is willing to help because too many similiar scams happened before and it ended up that the victim exploited a helper's sympathy and accused that the helper was the driver who hit him/her. As we were children, we were taught to tell what's right from wrong. However, still, lots of ambitious people are blinded by the power and interests, and then abuse their power to take others' lives under the name of liberty, freedom or other noble reasons without second thoughts.

When we were kids, something lovely wrapped beneath a Christmas tree can make our day. When we opened up the gifts, we were like kids in the candy store. No matter what gifts our friends or family members got for us, we were thankful. However, it seems that more and more people worship luxurious brandname products nowadays even if they can't afford them. We all know that modern people might look more glamorous than ever before, but deep down, it's all emptiness inside. They may look happy, but, in reality, those expensive and chic stuff still can't heal a hurting human soul.

What wishes are on your Christmas list if you celebrate Christmas? Besides some materialistic stuff, let's do something for the society and spread love.

"My grown up Christmas" has several versions. It's been sung by several artists, including Amy Grant, Natalie Cole and Michael Buble, etc. But Kelly's version is my all-time favorite. You can check out other versions on

The following video with great pictures also well intreprets the song and gets the message crossed. I guess it's made by a talented and big-hearted person. If you are interested, just check it out.



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