Double Standard

A 6-year-old girl was molested by an ex-convict in Hua-lian the other day. While the man was taking off his pants all the way and the innocent girl was crying for help in a park, one brave woman found it and tried to stop the inhuman act. It's said that she's not the only person in that park. While the woman and the man were scuffling, there were still a lot of people around. However, they did not reach out and attempt to rescue the girl. They just stood there with their arms folded. Eventually, the woman was knocked silly, and the guy abducted the girl and made a break. She reported to the police and then went to hospital for treatment. Although the police tried to gather all the leads they had on hand and carried out road check, they didn't successfully nail this perp in the first place and save the little girl in time. A few hours later, the bastard was arrested in his own house, but the girl wasn't there. The man confessed that he had mesolested her. Just imagine that a 6-year-old girl was wandering on the street on such a freezing day after the most terrible and appalling experience she had experienced in her life time, helpless, lonely and lost. I believed nobody in their right mind would sit there and do nothing about it. Fortunately, a woman with a big heart saw this poor girl walking on the street all alone and invited her to her shop, offering her some "warm" noodle soup. She smelled a rat right away and called the police. Finally, she got uinited with her anxious family.

There are a lot of perverts far and wide in the society. We all have to take extra caution and educate our kids in order to avoid something terrible like this happening again. However, from my perspective, there is something wrong here. If those by-standers in the park had given a helping hand to stop the guy from taking the girl away, she would have got away with it without experiencing one of the horrific crimes. Some people might think I should not be so harsh on those on-lookers. They might be also afraid of being injured by this truculent guy. Yes. They might be. But the guy didn't possess any weapons. With all the people out there in the park, he was outnumbered. At least, he should have been intimidated, or run away without taking the girl with him. And the girl would have been saved and wouldn't have to go through all of this. The reason why I am so critical of this is that we all care about our family or friends. If your/my/his little girl bumped into a pervert like this, you/I/he would hope that someone could save her instead of doing nothing about it, right? So, why don't we just stand up and do something about it when we see something like this happening aroud us?

I think I know the reasons. Take the car accdients. In the past when people saw a car accident, most of them would call 119 (119 is the number to call in emergencies in Tiawan), or even would drive the wounded to a hospital. But nowadays, people don't do that anymore. ( Maybe they would just call 119 even when they are in the middle of nowhere.) The reason why more and more people are put off reaching out thier hands anymore is a case like this: People sent the wounded to the hospital out of their kindness of their hearts. Unfortunately when the wounded got injured too badly, couldn't stay with us and passed away, for money, their family members just threw away their conscience, pointed the finger at those helpers, or even accused those helpers of murder. If we were those helpers, we would feel so irate and lose hope for the society and humanity. And gradually, more and more people are getting unconcerned about this even if at heart they still have sympathy. However, just like the news above, once the chance slips away, there will be a victim and he will have a physical or a mental scar that might last foreve. His or her life will not be the same anymore. So, if all of us can step in in time when we bump into things like this, we can save a person (physically or mentally.) So, who should be blamed? Those who exploit people's generosity, sympathy and kindness should be blamed for this cold, indifferent attitude more and more people have in the society.

However, we can't just blame them. Think about this. W all have friends and families. If our parents get lost on the street, our kids are kidnapped, or our friends have car accidents, we all hope that people can give them a helping hand and save them in time. If that's the case, why are we so indifferent when we come across similar situations? We should start to put it into action by ourselves. Otherwise, it's just a double standard. What do you think?

The following clip on is about a free hug campaign. To my eye, this is also a test of humanity and trust. It's pretty heart-warming. If you bump into things like this, would you give him a hug? Think about it. On such a cold day, hopefully this clip can bring you some warmth more or less. Enjoy it.



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