8 below= two thumbs up

The other day, one of my journalist friends invited me to a movie premiere. As I've never been to any movie premieres before and it's for free, without any hesitation, I took this great offer. What a great friend!
The name of the movie is "8 below". It's an action-adventure movie based on and inspired by a true Japanese story, happening in the extremely tough wildness of Antarctica. It depicts the close friendship between the leading actor and his canine friends. The leading actor's job is to show some scientific expedition the way for some research in Antarctica with the professional and brilliant dogs' help. It's just another day for the leading actor to do his job and he tried to guide the scientist to the designated spot for some meteoric stones from Mercury. However, he's got bad luck this time. Due to the cold front's approach, they had no choice but to go back down to their base camp. However, the scientiest begged the guide and insisted trying his luck with a half day. To my surprise, they got what they were looking for. But on their way back, something came up and the scientist broke his leg. Under such inclement weather and the accident, the guide went to great lengths to get this scientist back to the base camp with his well-trained canine friends' help. However, due to the harsh Antarctica weather and the fact the scientist needed medical treatment very badly and the guide might get pulmonary edema, they got the camp safely. But they were focred to leave those loyal dogs behind and retreated to another safe place. The guide was heart-broken and davastated after he stopped at nothing to attempt to go back to Antarctica to save those dogs. He felt he betrayed his best friends. Eventually, those dogs had to live on their own (when those people left them behind, the dogs were leashed for safety reasons) and tried to survive in the intense frozen wildness without too much source of food.
This is a wonderful movie. And I admire how the director trained those dogs how to act. When I looked at how those dogs helped and interected with each other in the film, i was totally blown away. I still remember one scene where one of the dogs fell down to the cliff and died. The other dogs showed their griefs and accepted the reality. You can see how sad they were from their eyes. I think I'll check this movie out again.. Last but not least, I'd like to thank my friend for offering me this once in a life time opportunity to see this movie. It bought tears to my eye and it did speak to me. It's going to hit the theater soon. Don't miss out on it, my friends!



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