ghost 當「名詞」時是「鬼魂」的意思, 但它當「動詞」時,你知道它是什麼意思嗎??
知道 ghost 當動詞的意思後,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!
(1) Mary is ghosting me again. I am going to break up with her this time. I can't take it anymore. (Mary 又在搞失蹤了!我這次要跟她分手!我已經受不了了!)
(2) I thought it went pretty well between Gary and me. But after I texted him five times a day, he started avoiding me. I think he is ghosting me. (我以為我跟Gary 之間一切進行的很順利! 但當我一天傳訊息5次給他後,他開始避開我。我想他刻意搞失蹤!)
(2) I thought it went pretty well between Gary and me. But after I texted him five times a day, he started avoiding me. I think he is ghosting me. (我以為我跟Gary 之間一切進行的很順利! 但當我一天傳訊息5次給他後,他開始避開我。我想他刻意搞失蹤!)
這樣知道怎麼使用 ghost 來當動詞了嗎?換你在下面留言練習造句了喔!
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