【看影片聽音樂學英文】: Mariah Carey - Hero (Live at Home Tribute) (@Gary's English)

現在全世界都籠罩在 COVID-19 的疫情之下,美國現在更成為了全世界確診人數最多的國家。為了避免疫情進一步擴大使醫療資源過度負荷,許多人現在都 work from home 或 study from home. 。

在這疫情艱難、對未來充滿不確定的時刻,Mariah Carey 在家再次詮釋她家喻戶曉的 Hero 這首歌, 並透過這首歌向所有在社區為大眾努力、奉獻犧牲的防疫英雄們致敬!

影片開頭她所說的那一段話,很溫馨、很感人、很有力量,Gary 也在此希望大家都能平安、健康地度過這次的挑戰!

今(4/15) 天 Gary 將 Mariah Carey 這則短片的「開場白」一一寫了下來,現在讓我們一起來聆聽她的歌聲,並進行聽力練習吧!

準備好了嗎? Let's go.

【1st Listening】:
誠實問問自己,你對 Mariah Carey 一開始所說的話了解多少?

【2nd Listening】:

Fill in the blanks:
 (A) unique
 (B) acknowledge
 (C) celebrate
 (D) communities
 (E) festive

Hey, everyone. I’m just doing my best to try and ___(1)_____ with you this Easter, this holy week. Quite the____(2)_____ time in history, a time that doesn’t allow us to be together in person and to be ____(3)_____ and worship with one another. But I’m grateful that so many us are staying home, staying safe and in doing so keeping each other safe. We are united in this effort and in this moment. I wanna take this time to ____(4)_________ and honor the sacrifices of those who work every day taking care of their ______(5)________ in this time of need and uncertainty, the hero who are making our daily lives possible. Let’s continue to support them and each other.

寫好了嗎? 如果第2次仍沒聽得很清楚,可以再聽一次再對答案,沒關係!

準備要對答案了嗎? Here we go.

【Answer Key】: 
(1) (C) celebrate
(2) (A) unique
(3) (E) festive
(4) (B) acknowledge
(5) (D) communities

喜歡今天的文章嗎? 快將這篇文章分享給好友吧!

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