Back to the grind 是什麼意思?

學習英文如果能與日常生活結合,將讓英文更有趣,也較能將所學的片語、單字活用在各種情境。Gary 就是這樣子學英文的,所以三不五時就會選一些蠻好用的片語或慣用語與大家分享,希望大家的英文都能進步!

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今天要跟大家分享的是 get/go back to the grind是這個片語或慣用語。get/go back to the grind 蠻常在影集中聽到的一個英文片語,常出現在同事或好朋友聊天的場合,最常聽到的使用時機是「開學前」、「週末或假期即將結束前」。大家覺得是什麼意思呢? 建議先作答再往下看答案哦!

(A) go back to work (回到工作崗位)
(B) go back home (回家)
(C) go back to square one (回到原點)
(D) get back to you ASAP (盡速回覆你)

答案是 (A)

grind 就是「枯躁、單調的工作」,也是 routine work (例行性工作)的意思。其實不管是學生還是上班族,每天都有 daily grind 要做, 而當假期要結束了,或是在辦公室與同事閒聊一會兒後,有時候會說 Break time is over. Let's get back to the grind. 意思就是「休息時間結束了,咱們繼續工作吧!」而講這句話時,當然常常會帶點「哀怨、不情願」。 再來看看下面的例子,我想大家以後就會熟悉它的用法了。

A: How's your weekend?
B: It's awesome.  I had a good time last night in the class reunion from college. It's awesome to see so many old friends and catch up a bit. What about you?
A: I also enjoyed the weekend with my family and girlfriend a lot. I wish I could spend more time with my girlfriend. Man! I have to get back to the grind tomorrow. Play time is over. There is money make. Blue Monday, you know.
B: Tell me about it.


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