
今天是「冬至」,也是吃「湯圓」的日子,吃湯圓象徵「一家團圓」,大家今天吃湯圓了嗎? 一起來學「冬至」及「湯圓」的英文吧!

Today is Winter _____. It's one of the 24 Solar Terms. It marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year in Northern Hemisphere. In Taiwan, it's a day for families to get together and have Tang Yuan (sweet dumplings; glutinous rice balls). The round shape of the sweet dumplings symbolizes togetherness and completeness. What flavor do you like?


(A) Solstice
(B) Equinox
(C) Equator
(D) Tropic of Cancer


答案是 (A) 哦,你答對了嗎? 以下是各選項的解說:

(A) Winter Solstice = 冬至; Summer Solstice = 夏至
(B) Spring Equinox = 春分; Autumn (Fall) Equinox = 秋分
(C) Equator= 赤道
(D) Tropic of Cancer = 北迴歸線; Tropic of Capricorn = 南迴歸線

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