

今天我們就來練習一下「豬油」, 「動料飼料油」及「抵制」的說法怎麼說吧! 請作答!

Taiwanese consumers decided to ______ any products by Ting Hsin International Group (頂新國際集團) in response to the recent tainted oil scandal. The scandal resulted from the fact Cheng-I Food Co.'s (正義食品), a subsidiary company of Ting Hsin International Group, sold lard-based cooking oils made with animal feed oil.


(A) resist
(B) boycott
(C) befriend
(D) boyscout

1. In response to ....(phr.)= 為了回應....; 因應...
2. tainted oil scandal: 黑心油醜聞 (tainted (adj.) = 受污染的; scandal = 醜聞)
3. result from (phr.) 由…所引起的; 起因為…
4. a subsidiary company (n.) 子公司
5. lard (n.) 豬油
6. animal feed oil (n.) 動物飼料油



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