4/18 Free Online English Class

Not each couple lives happily ever after after they get married. Some couples choose to get divorced and others choose to stay together even when they have some problems they can't work out. When the "children" factor kicks in, it can compound the problem even more.

So, let's talk about "for the sake of the children" today. Think about the following questions beforehand and feel free to share your opinions with us in class.

Q1:What is a prenuptial agreement (a prenup)?

Q2:Do you think a couple should sign a prenup before they get married? Why or why not?

Q3:The divorce rate seems to be high nowadays. As far as you know, what are the most common factors behind a divorce?

Q4:What do you think about divorce? Are you for it or against it?
(1)Children don’t want to see their parents unhappy or fighting all the time. So divorce may help the children, not hurt them.
(2)When parents get divorced, they should explain to their children that the divorce is the parents’ problem and that the children are not to blame.
(3)Divorce is wrong. Husbands and wives should try hard to stay together and work out their problems.
(4)With or without children, it doesn’t matter. When love ends, the marriage is over.
(5)It’s OK to get divorced if you don’t have children. But if you do have kids, you should never get divorced.

Q5:In many countries, the divorce rate is getting higher and higher. Is there a way to lower it?
(1)The government gives money as a reward to couples who have been married for a long time.
(2)Divorce is not allowed, except in certain situations, such as terrible mental illness.
(3)The government charges a high tax on divorces.
(4)The government hires marriage counselors to give advice to people.
(5)Couples live together for a few years before they decide to get married.
(6)Couples live together but don’t get married.

Q6: Read the following article and summarize it.

Q7: What is your suggestion for Wali?

If you have any questions, let me know. See you in class at 9:00 p.m. on April 18.



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