12/6 Free Online English Class

Making friends online has become very popular these days. You can meet friends from all over the world on MySpace, Facebook, or some online dating websites. So, today we are going to talk about "love online". Think about the following questions beforehand and feel free to share your views with us in class today.

Q1: Do you go online very often? How long do you go online on average every day?

Q2: Do you look for love online? Have you ever signed up on any online dating services?

Q3: Do you think it’s possible to fall in love online and find a good match? Any examples?

Q4: What do you think of “blind date”? Did you go on a blind date before? If you did, did you have any chemistry with this person?

Q5: If your cyber pal asks you out to meet up in person, would you say “yes”? Why or why not?

Q6: If your son or daughter wanted to hook up with his/her online friend, what would you say to him/her?

Q7: What are the pros and cons of looking for love online?
-It might be an online scam or crime because people can forge their identities.
-One might disguise himself/herself as a good-looking guy/gal in order to impress you. When finally you meet him/her in person, it might turn out to be not the case.
-You can get to know more people and make friends more easily from all over the world very easily.
-You can see a person’s true colors online because some people can totally open up when they are online.
-There might be a big gap between one’s online and offline behavior. You might find it hard to bridge the gap.

Here is this week's assignment. Please post your answer to the question below on the forum by December 11.

Q: What are the pros and cons of looking for love online?

If you have any questions, let me know. See you in class today at 9:00 p.m.



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