Michael Jackson, R.I.P.

今天的「免費英語線上課程」談論的是Michael Jackson,除了有聊到他比較惹人爭議的 sexual abuse或 child molestation 外,我們也聊到了他在音樂方面的成就,及他所關注的許多戰爭、世界和平、種族平等等議題,也讓我們對這位 King of Pop 有了更進一步的認識。

超級巨星已離我們而去,但它留下的音樂及對音樂界的貢獻將永遠為人所記得。為了紀念 Michael Jackson 這位永遠的巨星,本月的 SONG TIME 將從他的經典之作 "You are not alone" 及 "Heal the world" 選一首來練習,並由 Catherine 老師於7/21 晚上09:00-10:00來教唱票選的歌曲。有興趣的朋友們,請至線上投票區投下你喜歡的歌曲,至上課課程表預約 SONG TIME 課程,並於 7/21晚上一起來加唱MJ的歌,了解他歌曲的深層意義及他所關注的議題。

In today's "Online Free English course", we talked about Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. Besides the controversial sexual abuse or child molestation cases he was involved in, we talked about his accompolishments in the music scene. What's more, when he was alive, he not only cared about issues like wars, world peace, and racial discrimination, but also put them into lyrics and acton.

Although M.J. passed away, his spirit and legacy he left behind live on. Let's pay tribute to this legendary super star by singing his song this month in our SONG TIME. All you have to do is to go to our "online voting" and cast your vote for "You are not alone" or "Heal the world". Our music teacher, Catherine, will teach us how to sing the winning tune at 09:00-10:00 p.m. on June 21 (Tuesday). Come join us.

票選歌曲 Music Video
(1) You are not alone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtmbZbzr680
(2) Heal the world : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WJrtms8EoQ



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