The First Lesson I learned from Pinoys

It's been over 2 months since I had a career switch. This February, I took a break although I still had to teach several classes now and then. However, the vacation to Boracay, Philippines, was really a breath of fresh air for me. I still can't get the sunshine, white-sandy beaches, crystal clear sea water, and hospitable local friends out of my head. I learned a lot of during this trip and it did recharge my battery so that I can roll up my sleeves for the challenges down the road.
The first lesson that I learned is that life can be simple and easy. As we all know, the Philippines used to be very prosperous in Asia and it is the second country in Asia to build MRT systems. However, when you step out of the Manila Airport, you would be totally blown away by the traffic scene. It's a truly nightmare. A lot of people in Taiwan complain about the traffic congestion and mess in Taipei. But if you look at the scene in Metro Manila, you will know it's like comparing apples and oranges. Due to political corruption, Pinoys (the term filipinos call themselves) learn how to put up with it and be happy about it (Maybe they are just used to it and not that happy about it). I remember once I asked one of my friends working in Manila what he thought about filipino culture? On second thought, he described Pinoys "窮開心" (they are poor but be positive in their lives.) When I went to Bay Walk (Manila Bay area), I saw a lot of beautiful men and women chilling out over there after work. While most people here in Taiwan work overtime, sipping some Red Horse or Sam Migual (two local brands of beer) and listening to live band performance are those activities I saw getting started in Manila. It's a place with a lot of beautiful decorations and full of romantic and exotic vibes floating in the air. Holding each other's hands, sitting at the bank of the bay and taking a snapshot with your loved one with background music could be seen here and there. And during the daytime, if you go to the Rizal Park, you will be taken by surprise how many people are there hanging out with their families and having a good time in picnic. Once you walk across the street, even more people jump into the water and dip in the sea water with smily faces. I love the way they live their lives. Simple and easy. Most of all, they are positive about their lives. Although most Pinoys are not satisfied the performance of the government, and even though some doctors would rather immigrate overseas as nurses just for getting out of the country, they are still trying to live their lives to its fullest. I admire this a lot. Money talks. Without money, there are a lot of things that we can't buy or do. However, life shouldn't be just all about money. There are still a lot of important things. Once we can make ends meet and support our family, isn't it the right thing that we should enjoy our lives?
This is the first lesson I learned from Pinoys. I think I'll try to keep that in mind. Every time I get lost in life and work my ass off for something unimportant, this could be a reminder. I'll share other lessons I learned or experience in this trip next time. If you've got anything to say or any your experience that you want to share with me, just feel free to post them.

1 則留言:

  1. I am Don, Gary's Filipino friend. As a new found friend of Gary, i am so happy and greatful that we became friends. Eventhough, we only met and talk on line, i could say that our friendship is true. I can feel and sense thru his messages that he is a nice and sincere friend. I say that because, he was also worried about my friend who has a brain tumor. He even told me that he would pray to Buddha and he would ask his other friend to pray to Allah for my friend. So all of our Gods would help my friend. The lesson i learnt form making friends with Gary is this: "We may have different culture and beliefs but we can all help each other and share love to make this world a better place.":)Thank you Gary for being a nice friend!! :)
    Saturday, February 18th 2006 @ 9:12 PM


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