Welcome Linda Back to Taiwan

One of my old friends, Linda, came back from the working holiday program from Australia the other day. Annie, Rita, Emily, Joyce and I were so thrilled to see her again and had dinner together. All of us had a good time on such a beautiful Thursday evening. Nothing can be beat when old friends hang out together and joke around to their hearts' content.

She told us how stuck-up or arrogant some young Assuies could be on the streets by throwing things at pedestrians (most are Asians) and calling them names. Also, she shared with us how smart the working holiday program was held by the Australia government. Here is how it works. Each participant can apply for all kinds of jobs but he/she can not work at one company for more than 6 consecutive months. While this sounds that people can be up for any job opportunities, most of the jobs that people on the working holiday program can successfully land are labor jobs. Labor jobs are both time-consuming and energy-consuming. Most local people usually don't give those jobs a hoot at all. So, this working holiday program seems to be a feasible and workable solution to the labor force shortage probelm with those jobs. However, for working holiday takers, it's not that bad. They can work and tour around Australia at the same time. Besides, compared to the pay offered by similar jobs in Taiwan, what Linda earned was better off. She also stressed that if one could watch out for the money taken out of his pocket instead of squandering, one could even save 20,000 NTD a motnh. All of us were blown away by this fact because I had thought it was more like a sweatshop. Obviously, I was wrong.

In additon, she also shared her views on Koreans she hung out with. They are cliquey because they simply hang out with their compartriots most of the time. It's a bit hard to become part of their groups. However, maybe it can also be interpreted as a sign of patrotism or strong unity. It depends on how you see it. In addition, they are also snobbish in one way or another. For example, one of Linda's Korean coworkers talked to her pretty frequently at work because she wanted to practice speaking English (Linda's English is pretty good). The Korean woman didn't spend much time talking to other coworkers who couldn't speak English properly. It's so obvious that anyone with a brain could sense her ulterior motive. Besides that, Korean people she knew could be very insensitive to and inconsiderate of their roommates or housemates. They like to hang out together and cheer for their national baseball or football teams whenever there is a live broadcast on TV. Their big screams, yelling, and acclamations could be heard even in the middle of the night when other roommates are trying to get some sleep for an early next day. She was annoyed and irritated by this uncivilized and selfish behavior. Although they did usually apologize to her, nothing changed a bit. Just as the old saying goes, "history repeats itself." So, Linda told us she didn't like those "kimchi people", but she couldn't resist the great flavor of "Korean food." Actually, what she told us about Korean people just coincides with what my another student told me. She also had similiar experiences when she studied in New Zealand. However, those might be just sporadic or isolated cases. We can't say all Korean people are like that. Maybe they just happened to meet people like that. However, what most people in Taiwan know about Koreans is based on popular Korean dramas. At least I only know one thing or two about them. It could be a far cry from the reality. So, Linda's experience can definitely give me some insights into what to expect when I meet Koreans next time.

While we were listening to her stories in Australia, Linda surprised us by taking out of some gifts from her bag. What I got are a tube of "Holiday Skin Daily Facial Moisturiser" manufactured by Johnson & Johnson and a "bracelet." According to the directions of use on the box of the moisturiser, it says "Johnson's best facial moisturiser now has a light tanning ingredient - so whilst this fast absorbing formula with an essential vitamin and moisturiser complex leaves skin feeling soft and moisturised all day, it also gradually builds a beautiful, light and even looking tan after just a few days of use. Use daily as your regular moisturiser for a natural-looking tan that develops after 3-4 days of use. Your healthy glow will be maintained with continued daily application." I guess a product like this can be only found in a place where people are sun-worshippers. She knows I like to have my skin tanned and that's why she bought this for me. How sweet! As for the bracelet, it looks cool too. It can add some touches when I want to dress like a young man. So, I'd like to say "Thank you" to Linda and wish her the best with her exotic relationship.

We can broaden our horizon, experience different life styles and cultures, clear our heads and explore who we are when we travel. We can also learn a lot by listening to stories and life experience of others. All of us were very delighted to see Linda again and listen to her bitter-sweet stories in Australia. She will continue her working holiday program in Australia in late April. As good friends, we are all here for her. Welcome back to Taiwan, and enjoy your life in Australia after late April.





3/11 Song Time 逗陣來學唱英文歌

喜歡唱英文歌的朋友們,我們一個月一次的Song Time課程又來了,此次即將在3/11晚上09:30-10:30由專業的音樂老師 Catherine 帶我們一起來學「木匠兄妹」(The Carpenters)所演唱的經典老歌 top of the world.


下面是此首歌的MV,大家可以先聆聽一下,3/11再一起來 bring the house down!

新增 English Baby每日課程

English Baby 在我英語學習的過程中,一直扮演著很重要的角色,也是我的良師。它是一個由一群美國人所經營的免費網站,每週一至週五都會更新課程內容,內容包羅萬象,涵蓋俚語、電影、音樂、生活等主題,而且每一篇課程內容都有「介紹或前言」、「對話錄音檔」或「對話影片檔」、「理解能力測驗」等,不但使學習者能身歷其境,學習到最道地的美語,也能讓我們真正聆聽母語人士講話時的真實速度,進而增進本身的聽力。此外,課程中所使用的單字片語,更附有英文解釋及例句,一目瞭然、簡單易懂,省去學習者查字典的功夫,讓人馬上能掌握該單字片語的使用時機及用法。所以對於想學道地生活美語,將英語實際應用在生活中的朋友來說,這真的是一個很不錯的網站。

本部落格的前一版有連結 English Baby的每日課程,改版後因疏忽而忘了此連結,經朋友提醒後,已將該網站提供之每日課程超連結新增於本站上方的黑色選單上,有興趣的朋友,可每天點選該課程進去學習。

English Baby 除了提供上述的免費課程外,其網站更有聊天室論壇、結合交友功能,許多熱心的英文老師更在網站上建立了不少其他課程(如文法、節慶英文等),想善加利用這些資源或功能的朋友,也可以直接到Englsh Baby網站,加入會員,訂閱電子報服務,享受更多的服務。


One Nice Tune

今天拿出 iPod,將之前喜歡的歌曲一一再聽過一次,當聽到「星光2班」參賽選手吳忠明在2007年12月21日資格決定賽中所演唱的「獨唱」時,再仔細將歌詞細細地品嚐咀嚼一次後,讓我起雞皮疙瘩,覺得他真的將這首歌詮釋地很好,就如同評審張宇所說的,起承轉合、大小聲控制、細膩的轉音都讓這首歌活了起來,顯得更加動人,如果我也能將這首歌唱得這麼好就好了。

這首歌詞是一首失戀的歌,明知對方不對自己有任何愛戀,僅視自己為朋友,但自己因已習慣生活每一天有對方,仍愛著對方,仍在對方的世界獨自漂流,以致於無法誠實地面對「對方不愛我」的殘酷事實,當一切夢醒之時,也只能覺得無奈稠悵、痛徹心扉,著沒有愛人陪伴的獨奏曲。也許你跟我一樣,之前也沒聽過原唱「阿爆& Brandy」演唱過這首歌,那現在就好好聽吳忠明演唱的版本,也許他會喚起你一些失戀或單戀的回憶,唱進你的心坎裡去。

中文詞:李焯雄 英文詞+作曲:阿爆 編曲:鍾興民
原來是我自己虛構 朋友我們只是朋友 
雙手被你推落之後 緊握卻是一無所有 
在時間的下游 剩腥紅的鐵鏽 缺口只有風乾的溫柔 
Woo But Now 可是 我還愛你 I Love You 
Woo But Now 可是 我還愛你 I Love You 

在時間的下游 剩腥紅的鐵鏽 缺口只有風乾的溫柔 
Woo But Now I just wanna tell you I Love You 
Woo But Now 可是 我還愛你 I Love You 
儘管再沒有人合奏 儘管再沒有人合奏

Many Thanks to Emily & Candy

Emily and Candy have been in my free online English class for a while and they really showed their aspiration and enthusiasm for English. I always have fun hanging out with them in class. Besides that, both of them do recognize and support the "I Teach Freely, You Donate Voluntarily" idea, the purpose of the free online English course. They walk the talk instead of "talk the talk." I'm very happy to have students like them.
Our online class has been extended to real friendship on Feb. 26. Three of us got together and had dinner at an Italian Restaurant in Chang-hua City. It's a nice evening. Three of us talked about movies, music, travel experiences, English learning, cultural differences, our future goals and all that. I was even taken by surprise when they said "Happy Birthday" and gave me the gifts. Actually, my birthday is not on Feb. 26. While I was wondering how they knew that my birthday was just around the corner, they told me they overheard it during my discussion on Skpe with Catherine about when to have our SONG Time class in March. How sweet they are! They even insisted on buying the dinner for me to show their appreciation for the onilne free English courses they had taken. However, I didn't let them. After all, they showed their gratitude with the birthday gifts already. Most of all, the free English class project is aimed to encourage people to contribute their love and money to people in need. Besides, my friends and I usually split bills when we go out. So, there should not be any exception this time. I was glad that they understood that and had no problem with that.

Emily is talented and she's into making arts and crafts. The wallet is hand-made by her, exclussive for me. It looks so cool. I love it a lot. Candy is a very caring and friendly girl. She knows that I love the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" very much because I kept talking about it in the past few classes. So, she bought the original novel called "Q&A" for me. I believe I will be fascinated by the great story and I might be not able to tear myself away from it.

I'd like to say "Thank You" to Candy and Emily for the gifts and the good gesture. I really appreciate it. It once again proofs the words of wisdom, "It's more blessed to give than to receive."

If you love Emily's works, please go to the following website and take a look. She also offers tailor-made services. You can get one and only customized arts and crafts, exclussively for you. If you are into any of the items, you can tell me. She can give you a discount. if you are referred by me.