超讚電影推薦: Peaceful Warrior (深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底)

是否曾在成功達到自己預定的目標後感到茫然不知何去何從、下一個目標在何處呢? 是否曾在夜深人靜時半夜睡不著覺,自己的心無法平靜,似乎聽見自己心中的聲音不斷流竄呢? 還是每天我們都在聽別人的意見或建議,而忘了真正好好審視自己內心及聆聽真正屬於自己的聲音呢?

Peaceful Warrior (深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底)是2006年上映的影片,改編自原名小說。Dan Millman 是大學的體操選手,校內的風雲人物,功課都拿A,年輕帥氣體格健壯迷人,只要他願意,身旁將不缺乏女人。看似光鮮的他,每晚卻都被惡夢驚醒。某天深夜他夢見自己在比賽時失手跌斷自己的腿,驚醒後走進一家24小時營業的加油站,遇見了一位能看穿他內心恐懼、充滿智慧的神祕老人(即後來Dan 戲稱的蘇格拉底Socrates)。在 Dan 離開這家加油站前,他看見Socrates 突然從地面跳到屋頂,一心想請Socrates 教他這種技巧以幫助他能順利選拔成為一位奧運體操選手。但 Socrates 卻沒有馬上答應,Dan 卻也不放棄,時常去造訪Socrates,發展出兩人亦師亦友的關係。Socrates 沒有馬上教 Dan 任何跳躍的技巧,他教 Dan 怎麼「活在當下」、怎麼不讓外界的聲音干擾自己去「活在當下」、怎麼能「不在達到預定目標後而感到空虛茫然」、怎麼能「不被挫折打敗、繼續努力追求自己的夢想」。而 Socrates 的教導也真正幫助 Dan 成為一個「活在當下」的人,幫助他度過人生最大的難關,不放棄自己的最愛,反而更勇敢地去追求夢想,達到自己的目標。

Peaceful Warrior 已變成我最愛的電影之一。每當我情緒低落或對未來感到有些許不確定或茫然時,我也都很希望我身邊有一位 Socrates 能指引我一個方向,但事實上我身邊並沒有這樣的人。因此我都會將這部電影再拿出來看,然隨著年紀的增長及生活歷練愈來愈多,每看一次這部電影都會產生更多的想法,對劇中的「蘇格拉底」所說的話也都有更深一層的體會。在此將這部好片推薦給大家,如果你已看過此片或當你看完此片時,也別忘了跟我分享一下你的心得哦。

在此摘錄一些這部電影裡面我最愛的台詞與大家分享,這些真的是 words of wisdom.
1. The moment is the only thing that matters.
2. There is never nothing going on.
3. There are no ordinary moments.
4. Nothing stays the same.
5. The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination.
6. The ones who are hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most.
7. There is no starting or stopping, only doing.
8. Death isn't sad. The sad thing is : most people don't live at all.
9. Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you come to your senses.
10. Everyone wants to tell you what to do and what's good for you. They don't want you to find your own answers. They want you to believe theirs. I want you to stop gathering information from the outside and start gathering it from the inside.

延伸閱讀: 許添盛醫師對本片的影評


影片超連結: http://youtu.be/gegNMYvY_yg

(A) straight (B) compete (C) purpose (D) wrench (E) warrior (F) organ (G) shape (H) breeze (I) alone

That’s it, Danny. Excellent. Millman, you are good.

I train seven days a week. 50 weeks out of a year. The school is kind of a _(1)__. I got __(2)___ A’s.

Hey, Dan.

Looking good all right.

Thanks, Trev.

How can’t they all be in love with me?

I’ve got great friends and in great __(3)__, and I only sleep _(4)__ when I absolutely want to.


I wanna know what’s going on.

With some hard work, I’m sure you’ll be able to walk again.

Help you with something?

What the hell did you just do?

There is a lot that you have to know before you could understand what you saw.

Mind is a reflex __(5)__, reacts to everything.

Pass me that __(6)__.

I don’t know what to do now.

Everything has a __(7)__, even this. And it’s up to you to find it.

A warrior does not give up what he loves. He finds the love in what he does.

I don’t think your leg is the only thing that got broken.

Doctors told me you will never __(8)___ again.

Drop everything you don’t need, here, that’s keeping you from this moment. You will be amazed at what you can do.

I call myself a peaceful __(9)__ because the battles we fight are on the inside.

This moment is the only thing that matters.

Are you paying attention?

Answer Key
1. (H)
2. (A)
3. (G)
4. (I)
5. (F)
6. (D)
7. (C)
8. (B)
9. (E) 



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