Happy Halloween!

祝大家今天萬聖節快樂! 大家如何慶祝萬聖節嗎? 有的人可能會去變裝派對玩 "bobbing for apples" 的遊戲,有的人也許會跟自己的小孩子去玩"不給糖就搗蛋" (Trick or Treat),但我可能今晚會看「恐怖片」來度過。


不知大家有沒有印象最深刻的萬聖節呢? 或者是最喜歡的恐怖片呢?大家來聊聊吧!


下面連結了「Final Destination 5」(絕命終結站5)的電影預告,但是沒有中文字幕的,來練習一下英語聽力,將下面的空格填滿吧! Answer Key 在最下面。

影片超連結: http://youtu.be/ugUDNpKurXU

I'm trying to get all the ___(1)___ of the puzzles together.
It says right here in this ___(2)____: I knew it would happen.
I had a __(3)__.
You knew to warn everyone the bridge is going to collapse.
Everybody off the bus.
And minutes later it did.
I tell you what I believe- there is an answer for everything.
Authorities are calling the bridge ___(4)____ a freak ___(5)___ of nature.
It's natural causes?
Yeah, more like ___(6)____.
Death doesn't like to be ____(7)______. I've seen this before. A lucky few ___(8)____ the disaster and then one by one, Death comes for them all.
Are you saying we can't stop this?
You are not __(9)____ to be here. So let Death have somebody else in your place.
Wait a minute. We kill someone. We get their life?
When we're done, you will have perfect ___(10)____, I'll be right back.
Help me!
記得作答再對答案哦! 答案在最下面!!!
記得作答再對答案哦! 答案在最下面!!!
記得作答再對答案哦! 答案在最下面!!!
記得作答再對答案哦! 答案在最下面!!!

Answer Key: (1) pieces (2) statement (3) vision (4) collapse (5) act (6) supernatural (7) cheated (8) survived (9) supposed (10) vision



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