Happy Thanksgiving!

It's American Thanksgiving today. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in your country? Let's learn some English together about this special holiday.

Do you know the answers to the following questions?

Q1: When is (American) Thanksgiving? When is Thanksgiving in Canada?
Q2: Do you know the origin of Thanksgiving?
Q3: What are the three traditional Thanksgiving meals?
Q4: What is “Black Friday”? When is it?
Q5: What else do you know about Thanksgiving?

Most people don't know when Canadian Thanksgiving is. A lot of people associate "Black Friday" with "Friday the 13th". Actually they are not related. There is a certain reason why it's called "Black" Friday instead of "Pink Friday" or the like. Do you know why? Just feel free to share your answers with me.

Finally, I'd like to say "thank you" to all of you out there for reading my blog. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

1 則留言:

  1. Q1: Canada celebrated in October the second Monday.
    Q2: In 17th century, The Pilgrims emigrant to Plymouth and the Indians they together to have a feast.


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