Speaking Strategies for Discussion (討論題、申論題)

在TOEFL, IELTS及 GEPT中高級的口說考試中,都會有討論的題型,也就是你會聽到或看到一個問題,考生也會有一些時間準備,可以擬草稿,接下來要有將近1-2分鐘的時間內闡述你的意見、評論、想法、立場,或敘述一個故事。這類型的題目除了需要許多領域的字彙片語有一定的涉獵之外(語言能力),另外也必須要具有將自己所會的東西整合,有條理地表達出來(表達能力),對一般平常比較缺乏critical thinking(批判性思考)訓練的台灣學生而言,是一個蠻大的挑戰。有的人常會問是否有一種比較制式化的格式,以方便學生們快速構思內容呢?因此今天咱們撇開與內容本身相關的字彙片語,分享一下我覺得一個還不錯的口說構思格式,看對大家有沒有幫助。

通常這類的題目以論述居多,因此開場白(opening)可用一些常用的片語,如from my perspective, in my opinion等等來開頭,接下來就要講出自己的論點或想法,我們稱之為topic statement,讓聽的人一下子就知道你對這個問題的中心思想是什麼,接下來,再針對你的topic statement,陳述「為什麼」你的論點是對的「理由」(reasons)、「證據」(arguments)、「步驟」(steps, plans)、「故事」(stories, anecdote)等等。而在陳述「理由」、「證據」、「步驟」、「故事」時,最好是能條理化,分點說明,這樣子聆聽者會比較能抓到你的重點。而在陳述故事時,大多使用過去式,所以要特別注意時態的一致性,切忌現在式、未來式、過去式、現在完成式全部都混在一起,想到什麼就說什麼,而造成重大的文法錯誤。在陳述完理由時,必須下個結論(make a conclusion),做一個完整的結尾(ending)。基本上這就是面對這類題型的應考方式,再詳述如下。
  1. Opening
  2. Topic Statement: (concrete, not necessarily a truth)
    Supporting Arguments (or Reasons): (itemize or list your points in order)
    And then,
    Finally (Last but not least)
    Examples (stories, anecdotes, personal experiences) – watch out for tense coherence
    (past tense most of the time
    when you tell a story)
  3. Making a Conclusion


  • 在Opening有一些常看到的片語如下:
    1. From my perspective 4. As far as I know
    2. From my point of view 5. To my eye,
    3. In my opinion

  • Before Stating Your Reasons or Arguments (Prepositions)-在陳述理由、論點前可運用的句子
    1. The following are the reasons /causes
    2. There are several (possible, probable) reasons /causes
    3. The reasons why S + V are as follows:
    4. When it comes to N (V-ing), there are several causes behind the phenomenon.

  • Giving Examples (要舉例時可用到的片語)
    1. For instance 2. For example 3. Take N (以..為例)

  • Marking a conclusion(作結論前可用到的句子)
    (1) On the whole (all in all),
    (2) In summary,
    (3) To sum up,
    (4) In brief,
    (5) To summarize,
    (6) In short,
    (7) To conclude,
    (8) In a word,
    (9)To wind up,
    (10) At the end of the day (, when all is said and done)
    (11) In a nutshell
    (12)By and large

  • Transitional words(在敘述時,也可適時加入一些轉折語氣詞,使語氣更順暢)
    (1) However,
    (2) In addition/besides/besides that/ Moreover/furthermore/What’s more
    (3) On (the) one hand, ........on the other hand.....
    (4) Therefore/ Consequently/thus/ as a result
    (5) In contrast,
    (6) On the contrary/ Conversely,
    (7) On top of that/ Plus,



Question: Where would you like to be professionally in ten years?


TOPIC STATEMENT: I would like to own my own business
SUPPORT: How I will work toward owing my business
(concrete plans)
will get master’s in business administration
● will work in a company while planning my business
● will start my own business when I am ready

CONCLUSION: Stick to my plans with perseverance, patience and passion



In ten years, I would like to own an important business of my own. In order to make this dream come true, I make the following plans. First (of all), I will apply for a master’s program in business administration next year so that I can take some courses about how to manage and market a company. Next, after graduation, that will be three years from now, I will work in a company for a few years to make more money and to get as more hands-on (pragmatic) experience as possible while planning my business. Finally, when time is ripe and I’m ready, I will start my own business.

In conclusion, easier said than done. In order to achieve the goal within ten years, I will try my best to stick to those tentative plans. I know there will be a lot of obstacles (hurdles, difficulties, challenges) up ahead waiting for me. However, I believe, with perseverance, patience and passion, I can make it happen.


希望上面的 tips多多少少對大家準備這類的題型時有幫助,有什麼問題或建議可別忘了告訴我哦!

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