An Eternal Embrace
This photo really caught my eye on today's news. Some archaeologists in Italy discovered a couple burried 5000 or 6000 years ago, hugging each other. Love really prevails eventually. We don't know what caused the death of the couple. Maybe they were not allowed to get together, were forced to be apart, but eventually they ran off with each other and committed suicide together. But before they died, they chosed to show the entire world how much they loved each other by hugging together and how much they were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other . According to the report, one archaeologist said she had never ever seen anything like this so far during her career as an archaeologist. She was deeply moved and touched. I believe most people will feel the same way, too.

I still remember in one class we watched "Brokeback Mountain" and talked about the fact that some gay people took their own lives just because the society couldn't accept the "forbidden love" and treated them like monsters or devils. It's sad to hear something like this, no matter they are bisexual, homosexual, or heterosexual. Love is sacred and solemn. No one can take love away from anyone or deprive anyone of their rights to love others. So, in my opinion, if there are still people who try to prove thier love by killing themselves, that's an uncivilized society.
The photo is really special and leaves us room to imagine the story behind it. No matter what the story is, let's hope that all the loved ones in the world can get together eventually and get happy hereafter.

1 則留言:

  1. Dear Gary!~
    I agree with your opinion and appreciate your ability.
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