推薦有設計感又實用的 Telego Speaker

Telego Speaker looks so cool. It is so flexible. You can fix it into your bicycle handle, baby stroller, bag, chair, tent, and even wheelchair easily. It allows you to listen to music on the go. It is compact and, most of all, it is waterproof. For those who love outdoor activities, this product should be very practical and easy-to-use.

Great design and stylish look. But according to the info on its website at http://www.masterpal.com, it is not available in Taiwan yet. It is only available on Amazon in North America and Europe. What a pity! 
Telego Speaker 這個產品還挺酷的!它可以輕鬆地別在腳踏車把手,嬰兒車,包包,椅子,帳篷,甚至是輪椅上,讓我們在移動中即可輕鬆聽音樂,享受人生!它看起來應該很輕,而且它還防水,對愛在戶外趴趴走的朋友們應該很實用! 挺有設計感的,外觀顏色也很潮!

根據該公司網站上(http://www.masterpal.com) 的資料,可惜目前台灣還買不到,只有北美及歐洲的亞馬遜網路商店才有!真希望它能早日進到台灣市場!

Here is a cute video of this cute product. Check it out. (這是介紹這個產品的影片,風格真可愛!)



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