超爆笑電影推薦: 「全家玩到趴」


「全家玩到趴」就是這麼一部絕無冷場,對白劇情順暢又不會太低俗,人物角色鮮明,讓人捧腹大笑,走出戲院回味無窮的喜劇, 有機會大家不妨看看,包準帶給你好心情!

"Vacation" is a comedy that let me laugh my head off from the very beginning to the end. The actors and actres are so goofy and hilarious. The plot is funny but not corny. All the twists and turns can be so unexpected that it keeps the audience crack up all the time. I highly recommend this comedy to all of you. It will definitely make your day. Don't miss out on it.



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