

今天看到2012年去菲律賓 El Nido (愛妮島)所拍的短片真懷念!那天我跟當地人ㄧ起去酒吧,而一進去酒吧就聽到許多人跟一位女生道生日快樂,問了一下才知道她是酒吧的員工,而他們也沒特別為壽星安排什麼特別的慶生活動。雖然跟他們才初次見面,但大家親切的問候開玩笑,沒幾分鐘大家早已打成一片,而我覺得生日就該慶生,而慶生沒有蛋糕怎能算慶生,而且我一輩子可能只會遇到這個壽星一次,所以我提議由我來買蛋糕,讓現場的 band 及全場客人來為該名員工唱生日快樂歌,給她一個難忘的回憶,結果場面就是一片歡樂溫馨,壽星還特別調了她的拿手酒請我喝呢!今天看到這影片還真懷念那晚大家歡樂的情景呢!

This video was taken in Balay Tubay, El Nido in the Philippines on September 6, 2012 when I traveled there. After I walked into the bar, I heard some people say "Happy Birthday" to one of the staff and I asked "Where is the birthday cake?" And they said "We don't have a cake." For me, can we call it a birthday celebration without a birthday cake? So I insisted on buying a cake for the birthday girl and wish her a happy birthday even if I didn't know her at all. After all, I might just meet her once in my life time. It's always good to make someone happy on such a special occasion, right? So we celebrated her birthday together with all the people in the house and this great band. What a night! I am looking forward to going back there soon.



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