Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?

"Is it right to sacrifice one person's life in order to save 5 lives? What if you have to be part of the killing? Do you still feel the same way?" How do you define which act is morally permissible and which is not? Do your principles apply to all scenarios? Or there is always an exception?

I watched this series on YouTube the other day and I really learned a lot from this speaker, including how he runs the class and how he challenges students' opinions and makes them think. I used to do that in some of my classes. But I have to say Taiwanese studensts are not as active as those in the video when it comes to class participation. But still, I hope I can teach as professionally as the speaker someday.

You might be wondering what I am babbling about? Check it out yourself here and find out. Don't forget to share your views with me. Enjoy it!



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