Angkor Wat Trip (Day 1)

Day 1 (8/18): Taiwan=> Siem Reap (Cambodia)

After 3 hours of flight, we landed at the Siem Reap International Airport. We passed the immigration and cleared customs very swiftly because money talks. Extra US$3 can really make a big differnece. After that, we had lunch at a Chinese restaurant with a total of 10 courses. We all enjoyed them big time. With a full stomache, we went to Tonle Sap Lake and visited the floating village. There were schools, churches, markets and souvenir shops on the water. It's like a small community. Most of the guests were really blown away by how poeple live their lives there. Most of all, some friends told me that they ealized how fortunate most people are here in Taiwan.

Returing from Tonle Sap Lake, we made a bee line to "Prince D'Angkor Spa & Hotel". It's a four-star hotel with an excellent environment and very forthcoming staff. Stepping out of the hotel, all of us were sent to the "MC" massage and indulged ourselves in the comfortable and professional massage services. Most of the guests gave the masseurs two thumbs up and they still couldn't get enogh of it. So they purchased more sessions in the next days to come to relax their muscles, mind and soul after climbing up and down in the ancient Angkor ruins.

After the massage, we made a bee line to Tonle Mekong Restaurant with traditional Cambodian dance performance on stage. It served a wide variety of cuisines, ranging from Khmer, Korean, Japanese, Chinese to Vietnamese food. As I could see, my friends were pretty satisfied with the food quality and variety and the ambience. The performance ended at 8:00 p.m. (from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) and we headed to a fruit market and purchased some tropical fruit, such as mangosteen and rambutan. Some were looking for jackfruit but in vain.

When we arrived at the hotel and called it a night, it's no later than 9: 00 p.m. It's still early. So, I made an appointment with my Cambodian friend, Dara, at 10:00 p.m. and some freinds wanted to join us. Dara took us to a Cambodian-style bar with a big screen on the wall playing music videos to enterain guests. Some of us thought that's a karaoke or KTV. But we were wrong. We could only enjoy the music video, but there was no such a stage for us to sing a song or a dance floor to bust some moves. However, all of us had a good time by talking silly and drinking the famous Angkor Wat. It's so nice to see Dara again after 5 years and caught up a bit with him. What can be bettter than to see an old friend after such a long time.

That's about what we did on the first day of the trip. All in all, it's pretty laid-back and relaxing. I'm very happy to know that my friends and guests like whats they have seen and experienced so far here on the first day. I believe Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat will be an eye opener to them as well. I can't wait to see their faces when they see the two stunning ancient wonders in the flesh.

For more photos, click here.



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