5/2 Free Online English Class

Parents don't usually agree with each other on how to educate their children. Some think "corporal punishment" can be pretty effective whereas others claim only love is the cure-all. When it comes to how to get children to do some household chores, money can be considered to be a reward or a bribe. So, let's talk about "a reward or a bribe" today. Think about the following questions beforehand and feel free to share your opinions with us in class.

Q1: What motivates you to work hard?
-advancement or promotion
-the work itself
-potential for personal growth
-corporate culture
-job security
-working conditions
-organizational policies
-interpersonal relationship with peers, superiors, and subordinates
-company future

Q2: Why do some people work hard whereas others do as little as possible?

Q3: In your house, who does the following tasks?
-cleaning the house
-cleaning the rooms
-do the laundry
-do the dishes
-set the table
-make the bed
-do grocery shopping
-take out the trash
-mop the floor
-sweep the floor
-vacuum the floor
-water flowers
-mow the lawn

Q4: Do you think children should do some of the tasks above? Why or why not?

Q5: When you were a child, did you do any of the tasks? How did your parents motivate you to do them?

Q6: Do you think corporal punishment can be an effective way to educate children?

Q7: Which of the following opinions do you agree on?
-Children should do some things for free, like cleaning their own room. But they should be paid to do their tasks like washing dishes.
-Parents should pay their children to do housework. And that should be the only money they get. That way, they learn to be responsible.
-Helping around the house is something children have to do. They shouldn’t get paid for it.
-Paying the children to do housework is a bribe. Don’t do it. They’ll start asking for money for everything.
-Giving money for doing housework is a reward. Children need rewards for doing things.

Q8: Read the following article and summarize it.

Q9: What is your suggestion for Kimo and Makana?

If you have any questions, let me know. See you in class at 9:00 p.m. on May 2.



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