3/28 Free Online English Class

Volunteering work has been popular in Taiwan these years. Some people do it because they believe they can contribute their time to help people in need and make a better world. Others do it because they follow suit or jump on the wagon after their friends do it. Some people do community service because they did something wrong, and it's court-ordered. So, this week we are going to talk about "any volunteers" Think about the following questions beforehand and feel free to share your opinions with us in class.

Q1.What is an NPO? Do you know any famous NPOs in Taiwan?

Q2.Why do people volunteer? (What causes do people work for?)
- for fun
- for a sense of fulfillment
- for making a better world
- out of the goodness of their hearts
- others

Q3.Do you volunteer? What causes do you work for?

Q4.Which of the following volunteer opportunities would you choose? Why?
- reading to a blind person
- cooking for a sick person
- helping someone learn to read
- cleaning a house for an older person
- providing meals for elderly individuals
- helping people build houses in a poor country
- cleaning up a beach or cleaning up a street near you
- helping patients and their families in a hospital

Q5.Tell us about your volunteering experience. Remember to include “who”, “when”, “where”, “what did you do”.

Q6.If you had volunteering experience before, what did you learn?
- I should spend more time with my family, friends and neighbors.
- We all can make a difference in the world
- It helps me see something valuable in my life and appreciate what I do have
- I have more courage and determination to live my life and pursuit my dreams

- I understand how a healthy lifestyle is and change my lifestyle
- others

Q7.If you want to donate money to an NPO, which do you prefer, a large NPO or a small NPO? Why?

If you have any questions, let me know. See you in class at 9:00 p.m. on March 28



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