12/13 Free Online English Class

More and more themes of the award-winning movies are about "gay relationships" or "gay love". When we watch news on TV, gay people are often associated with sex parties and drugs. Some people advocate "same-sex marriage" and urge the government to push the bill in the Legislative Yuan. So, today we are going to talk about "rainbow underground" and gay issues. Think about the following questions beforehand and feel free to share your views with us in class today.

Q1: What are “gay”, ”lesbian”, “straight”, “homosexual”, “heterosexual”, ”transsexual”, “bisexual”, “fag”, “sexual orientation”, “homophobia”?

Q2: What is your impression of “gay people”? Could they be stereotypes?
-They are sharp dressers.
-They are good listeners.
-They are obsessed with fashion.
-They don’t perform safe sex.
-They are promiscuous and they don’t like long-term relationships.
-Gay men are usually effeminate (sissy).
-Gay men like to go to the gym, work out and show their muscles.
-Gay men like to wear white Speedos instead of trunks when they are on a beach.
-Gay women are usually like tomboys.
-Gay people like cross-dressing.
-Gay people usually have AIDS.
-Gay people like to have parties, do drugs, and have orgies.

Q3: What is “same-sex marriage” (gay marriage)? Are you for it or against it? Why or why not?
-I’m against it because it’s unnatural, abnormal and against the nature.
-I’m against it because it would decrease the human population and become a disaster
-I’m against it. If they adopt children, they would be a bad influence. They would turn children into gay people.
-I support “same-sex marriage” because all men are born (created) equal and gay people deserve to enjoy the universal human rights.

Q4: If your son or daughter comes out to you, what would you say or do?

Here is this week's assignment. Please post your answer to the question below on the forum by December 18.

Q: What is “same-sex marriage” (gay marriage)? Are you for it or against it? Why or why not?

If you have any questions, let me know. See you in class today at 9:00 p.m.



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