Our online class has been extended to real friendship on Feb. 26. Three of us got together and had dinner at an Italian Restaurant in Chang-hua City. It's a nice evening. Three of us talked about movies, music, travel experiences, English learning, cultural differences, our future goals and all that. I was even taken by surprise when they said "Happy Birthday" and gave me the gifts. Actually, my birthday is not on Feb. 26. While I was wondering how they knew that my birthday was just around the corner, they told me they overheard it during my discussion on Skpe with Catherine about when to have our SONG Time class in March. How sweet they are! They even insisted on buying the dinner for me to show their appreciation for the onilne free English courses they had taken. However, I didn't let them. After all, they showed their gratitude with the birthday gifts already. Most of all, the free English class project is aimed to encourage people to contribute their love and money to people in need. Besides, my friends and I usually split bills when we go out. So, there should not be any exception this time. I was glad that they understood that and had no problem with that.
Emily is talented and she's into making arts and crafts. The wallet is hand-made by her, exclussive for me. It looks so cool. I love it a lot. Candy is a very caring and friendly girl. She knows that I love the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" very much because I kept talking about it in the past few classes. So, she bought the original novel called "Q&A" for me. I believe I will be fascinated by the great story and I might be not able to tear myself away from it.
I'd like to say "Thank You" to Candy and Emily for the gifts and the good gesture. I really appreciate it. It once again proofs the words of wisdom, "It's more blessed to give than to receive."
If you love Emily's works, please go to the following website and take a look. She also offers tailor-made services. You can get one and only customized arts and crafts, exclussively for you. If you are into any of the items, you can tell me. She can give you a discount. if you are referred by me.
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