倒轉輸入提款密碼 可以呼叫警察?
如果你被匪徒挾持要求輸入提款機密碼,你可以用倒轉輸入密碼的方式去間 接知會警方,例如你的密碼是1234的話,你可以輸入 4321,提款機會識別到你是以倒轉方式輸入密碼,提款機會按你要求照出金額,但是會在匪徒不知情的情況下知會警方,這資料最近在電視上公開,是不常用因 多數人並不知此方式存在。

If you are hijacked or abducted, and the hajacker pulled you to the ATM, asking you to key in your PIN, you can punch in a
reverse PIN to contact police secretly. For instance, if your PIN is "1234", just input "4321". You will pass the authentication and get the amount of money you request. However, in the meantime, without the knowldge of the hijackers, police will be informed and learned of this (There is a crime going on). This was reported on TV not long ago, but not many people do know this useful tip.



I believe some of us received an email like this from friends. But is it true? I don't think so. Check out the following website before you forward an email like this to your friends.

Website: 東森新聞網-網路追追追(ETtoday)

2 則留言:

  1. 的確,網路上有太多以訛傳訛的消息,其實,簡單打一下警政署165反詐騙專線,即可辨明真假。不過,收信的人本身也要有判斷真假的能力啦......

  2. Dear Cat,

    Yes. If we have any doubt about something like this, we can call 165 (the anti-scam hotline) for more info or verification.

    However, as you can see, a lot of people don't try to verify if the news is true or not. Instead, they forward it to their friends offhandedly. So, I think the column provided by ETToday is cool.

    What do you think?


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